Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays

I wanted to take the time out in between chapters to wish all of you the happiest of holidays.

Your support of this story this past year has meant so much to me and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you for reading.

Been through a lot this past year with my father getting sick while the whole time just getting used to the fact that I even had a dad.

Writing these stories and been my escape and I appreciate you helping me along the journey with your humor, questions and comments.

More to come with Stay, writing a sequel and another Jovi Fan Fiction to boot.

So keep the comments and questions coming.

But most all Happy Holidays Peeps!

Also, movie for the week....

The Dark Knight!!! Christian Bale/the Late Heath Ledger, great movie.

That is all!!!

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On The Line

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Other Stories and Works in Progress

Here are some other stories that are either completed or are works in progress
