Monday, November 2, 2009

11/2 NaNo Update 2055 words oh yeah!

Total word count for Day Two 2,055! Making total word count so far 6712

The story is coming along very very well. Especially the dialogue. Writing for a character like Jace is a lot of fun because his wit just bites. The dynamic between he and Sara is great.
The only thing I wish now is that I started the story with how they actually got together in the beginning.
Chapter 2 ended for me on a therapeutic note.
I wasn't going to write about terminal illness at the moment due to my father's recent death. But for some reason the sub-plot in this story needed to be told and so far it's been great.
I know i promised an excerpt but I'm just too tired.
Good night!

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On The Line

20310 / 50000

Other Stories and Works in Progress

Here are some other stories that are either completed or are works in progress
