Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaNo Status 11/1

Wow what a day!
I'm very proud for my first 24 hrs of NaNo to have gone so well. At 8 o clock, I ended with a word count of 4,657 words.

Not bad for person who listened to her inner editor at the last minute and changed her story plans all together.

So no paranormal werewolf story or dragon story.

This story is a contemporary romance called "On the Line" about a Junior hockey player named Jace McKinnon, who while dealing with a cancer stricken father and dealing with the pressures of leading his team to victory at the annual Haverton Falls Classic, has fallen in love with his best friend's sister named Sara Reilly, who in her own right is a favorite to win at her Regional championship, held in their fictional hometown of Haverton Falls, New York.

The two are two opposites that attract. They argue over everything, regardless of how little or small the problem is. When they're together it is good, very good. When they aren't, god help the people around them both.

The story without giving much away, begins a year after they break up. When both with weeks to spare are training for their respective competitions.

Here's a look at the main characters.

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On The Line

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Other Stories and Works in Progress

Here are some other stories that are either completed or are works in progress
