Friday, November 6, 2009

11/5 & 6

Nothing on 11/5. Exhausted and preoccupied to do anything else.
But on 11/6, 1158 words. total word count as of 11/6 10,670.


J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

Congrats on the word count! ;) I finally found the BJ blog, now I can put it on my blogroll. You can do it, keep pushing on. I'm going to try and get something done today...LOL!

Shelly said...

Aww. thanks Jamie!!!!

You too!!!

This is my first Nano!!! I'm suprised that i've done as well as i've done. LOL!

And Congrats for all of the success you've had!! What a year!!!

On The Line

20310 / 50000

Other Stories and Works in Progress

Here are some other stories that are either completed or are works in progress
