Wednesday, November 11, 2009

as of 11/11 doing ok

i had problems with the 5th chapter of my story, i've always had issues w/descriptions and it at times it takes me forever to write or describe exactly how a scene is playing around my head.
But tonight, after working on it. I think i got it and was able to move on.
So much that I wrote tonight 2,2021 giving me a word count so far 14,557. I wanted to be at 15,000 today.
But due to real life...I'll take it.


J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

That's not a bad number at all!! Congrats on the word count. =)

Shelly said...

thanks Jamie!!!

On The Line

20310 / 50000

Other Stories and Works in Progress

Here are some other stories that are either completed or are works in progress
