Friday, November 21, 2008

Movie Friday

I was talking to a friend the other day and thought that if you're a movie buff like me, you'll be like this section.

Every Friday whether if it's a classic or newly released movie...I'll talk about it.

This picks are Twilight (the first of the adaptation of the awesome books by Stephanie Meyer. I started reading them over the summer and I love them!!! You don't have to be a teen to enjoy them either. )

And for classics....Because it's getting to that time of year. National Lampoons's X-mas Vacation.

Can't wait to see Twilight this weekend! and X-mas Vacation, rent, buy it...It's hysterical...Snots the dog...that is all i'm saying!! LOL!!!

1 comment:

Sunstreaked said...

Great idea, chica! Love movies although I don't get to go to nearly enough of the new ones.

Will be looking forward to these.

On The Line

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Other Stories and Works in Progress

Here are some other stories that are either completed or are works in progress
